Inform Yourself

Find My Public Officials

Look up the public officials who are representing you during this legislative season so you can better advocate for the arts.View the Tool »

Know the Docket

Follow state and federal bills public policy initiatives that impact the arts and arts education during this legislative season.View Legislation »

Use Our Advocacy Toolkit

Read about advocacy best practices, get data about the impact of the arts and access resources to increase your civic engagement.View Articles »

Explore Arts Education Data

Get a snapshot of fine arts education access and opportunities for high school students across Delaware with an interactive data dashboard.View the Dashboard »

Take Action

Advocate in Person

Attend one of our advocacy events with public officials who are making decisions about the state of the arts in Delaware.View Events »

Petition Public Officials

Join one of our advocacy campaigns and write an email to your public officials using our convenient tool.View Campaigns »

Schedule a Training

Improve your organization’s impact and empower your members to be advocates by scheduling a civic engagement training.View Classes »