DAA and Artists Address the JFC Requesting an Increase in The State’s Arts Budget

On Tuesday, Feb 13th, the state legislature’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC) convened to conduct public hearings on state agency budget requests as presented in the Governor’s Recommended Budget. The public was invited to comment during the public hearings at a designated time following each agency’s presentation.

The DAA coordinated 7 arts advocates to testify before the JFC of the state legislature. The group of petitioners represented a mix of visual and performing arts, geographic diversity, a variety of organization sizes, and key arts programming.

Each participant read prepared statements thanking legislators for their support of the arts and asking for a $1M increase to the FY25 DDOA state arts budget to support arts organizations and artists.

Of the many great points made by our public speakers who addressed the JFC, there are a few standout quotes that highlight the work DAA is doing to shine a light on the Arts in Delaware and proactively engage our legislatures and our members. Darren Silvis, Director of Development for the Joshua M. Freeman Foundation, and member organization based in Selbyville, said “With your support, in just 17 years, we have put southern Delaware on the map as an arts destination…” and he added as proof positive that the Arts is an economic driver in the state of Delaware, “… each dollar that the Freeman Arts Pavilion spends results in another $2.12 of economic activity in the county. “

Ginny Jewell of the Dover Art League offered this in her comments about the positive effect of a larger budget from the DDOA has had for DAL, “A large portion of these funds were used to create a community event called WAM Cafe. WAM is centered around Writers, Artists, and Musicians while providing community projects and opportunities for connection to one another and the arts.” A.T. Moffett, Executive Director of Delaware Institute for the Arts in Education remarked, “Arts education is part of a well-rounded education for all students as understood and supported by federal and state policymakers.”

Hearing from the public is an essential part of this civic process. It is only then that future budgets will reflect the will of the community and our tax dollars allocated to matters that help make life in Delaware accessible, arts-centered, and enjoyable to all.

The group of petitioners included:
Neil Kirschling – Delaware Arts Alliance
A.T. Moffett – Delaware Institute for Arts in Education
George Meldrum – Individual arts supporter and board member
Ginny Jewell – Dover Art League
Charlese Phillips – Individual artist DDOA Fellowship recipient
Darren Silvis – Freeman Arts
Rebecca Lowe – Lewes Public Library, Creative Aging program

The JFC will draft the final bill’s budget in May and June for introduction to the General Assembly. If you live/work in the district of a JFC member, you can lend your voice and show your support here at this link.