The Delaware Arts Alliance Attended the Delaware Arts Summit in Dewey Beach and Executive Director Neil Kirschling Led Two Creative Economy Focus Groups.

On Monday, October 10th, the Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA) hosted its annual Delaware Arts Summit in scenic Dewey Beach, Delaware at the Hyatt Place. The DDOA set the following goals for this year’s Summit: Networking, Professional Development, and Inspiration.

A mix of arts nonprofit organizations, creative artists, state legislators, and arts patrons came together to discuss the arts, attend art-specific breakout discussions like “The Art of Stress Transformation” and enjoy the comradery of their arts peers.

The event was kicked off with a Sunday night dinner where Jessica Ball, Director of DDOA, gave opening words and touched on theme of the summit: “Our Creative Collective.” Sunday night guests were treated to a beach bonfire and s’mores.

Monday’s summit attendees included our DAA Team (Kenyetta and Neil), a contingent of DAA’s Board of Directors, Arts Nonprofit executives and staff, and the arts community at large.

The long list of invited guest speakers and performers included Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long, esteemed members of the Indigenous Tribe Nanticoke Dance Troupe performers: Herman Jackson and Mark and Artists Robert Lugo, TAHIRA and more local artists showcasing their immense performing talents.

Executive Director Neil Kirschling spoke to the audience of more than 170 about the Creative Economy and Cultural Tourism Recovery and Growth Plan Initiative and Survey.


He also conducted two breakout interactive sessions soliciting participants’ feedback in the development of our creative economy plan.  It was a lively discussion as participants split into teams to capture thoughts on Delaware’s Creative Economy’s strengths, challenges and opportunities.

The content-packed Monday ended with a networking hour full of delicious food and stunning views of Dewey Beach and, of course, artful conversation.